Founded in Marquette Michigan in 1978, Superior View is
the collection of photographer Jack Deo. An award winning
photographer since 1969, Deo’s historical photographic
collection began with the acquisition of the original
negatives from the famous studio, The Childs Art Gallery.
Childs Art Gallery was founded in the 1860’s, by
Brainard F. Childs. Childs was the premier photo artist
of the Upper Peninsula. His stereoscopic series, The
Gems of Lake Superior, captured the beauty, and history
of the Lake Superior Region. For three generations, this
historic studio captured every aspect of life in the
North country.
This major collection led to the acquisition of dozens of
negative archives. Original negatives were acquired from
studios like J.W.Nara of Calumet, Peterson Brothers of Gwinn
and Menominee, Nickolai Olli of Mohawk, Adolph Isler of Houghton
and G.A. Werner of Marquette & Ishpeming. Many more private
collections came from 35 years of copy and restoration work.
The archive today contains over 100,000 images, covering
the entire world for our online community to explore. For more information on the collection see our history section.

Superior View, Marquette, MI
About the Product: Views of
the Past are REAL PHOTOGRAPHS , made from the original negative
or photograph. Hand-printed in Black&White or
Sepia toned, these historic images are works of art. Our
real photographs are guaranteed not to fade. They are available
in sizes from a wallet to a wall mural.
Use Fees: Views of the Past are available
for books, publications and advertising. The use fee depends
on how it is used and how many will be used. Fees for non-profits
and scholarly use start at $20.00. To discuss use fees
call or email us for rates. High resolution scans or photographs
can be provided.